Hotell Östersund

When you stay at Hotel Östersund, you will find personalised attention, comfortable beds, delicious meals and elegant, stylish design everywhere you look. It is simply a perfect place to relax. Here you will find everything you need for a pleasant stay, from friendly staff to modern amenities.
Hotel Östersund is centrally located with proximity to everything, the hotel has its own parking included for our guests as well as garage facilities subject to availability.

The hotel has 126 rooms and is a four-star hotel.

The conference department consists of 3 conference rooms.

The restaurant with room for 500 diners.

The restaurant serves breakfast, lunch and dinner and Á la carté.

Distance from station: approx. 500m.
Restaurant: Fully licensed restaurant with an extensive menu, as well as nightclub.
Description: Hotel and conference centre with its own restaurant in the centre of Östersund, close to shopping and leisure activities. Family and weekend breaks, including activities. Parking and garage. Newly refurbished relaxation area. 
Address: Kyrkgatan 70
Tel: +46  (0)63-57 57 00
